Pram Race Bucket Collectors Challenge 2024 Results

Grand Xmas Draw 2024

If you can not attend this years race and would like to donate to this great cause

and support  LOCAL Good Causes click the button below

Why not donate to the Pram Race ?

Click here for details of how you can help with our fund raising

The Pagham Pram Race has a 70 year plus history. In 1946 a group of demobbed servicemen decided they would like to do something over the Christmas period, so they came up with the idea of a pram race. One pushing the pram and another as a baby in it, making sure to drink a pint of beer each, at three of  the village pubs. Due to the recent closure of the Kings Beach Hotel racers now stop at the Pagham Beach Cafe instead.

The prize then, a Christmas fruit cake. And any monies raised to go to local good causes.

Since then The Pagham Pram Race has been run every year on Boxing Day, whatever the weather,

starting at The Mill on Pagham Road and stopping at  The BearThe Lamb public houses and Maria’s Cafe  , a course of approximately 3 miles that finishes at The Lamb Inn car park.

The race starts at 11 am prompt and lately there has been as many as 60 Pram entrants, some of these are fantastically designed floats usually accompanied by contestants in topical fancy dress costumes.

All the proceeds from the race (in keeping with the tradition) and other fund-raising events are distributed to LOCAL GOOD CAUSES by the means of a Helping Others Grant

The Pram Race Committee distributed grants of  nearly £17,000 to good causes last year